Monday, July 26, 2010

Woo Hoo

I am so excited!!!
I just discovered I am one of the lucky winners of a cutting file from KAndrew Designs.  I can hardly wait to put it to use (might have to find a special picture or two).  If you have never been to her blog before check it out.  Kristal is an amazing designer and her videos take some of the mysteries out of those "touchy" techniques
Thanks again Kristal

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Still trying.......

to keep up with blogging. I've worked on a few things today, but nothing to share as of yet. I did have fun working with the kits I picked up at my local Tuesday Morning store. I hope to share them with you tomorrow.
I'm off to try to complete a bit more of my current project and will talk again later.
For tonight I'll share a necklace I finished for the wife of a colleague.

Shame on me!!!

I have neglected my blog for far too long. It's not been from lack of ideas or projects, but instead from being too caught up in creating.
I recently attended a crop event and decided to challenge myself by taking a few classes. One of the classes used punched sheet metal and was then altered using scrapbook paper, glue and imagination.
Since I'm still learning please be patient as I try to attach a photo here.
I have a few more things to share, but I think I will share those throughout the rest of the week.